hello, my name is petra johnson and i am the director of caramel rock, which is a fashion company that i set up. Here you would get first hand information about what is going on in the company, and have a chance to comment on the company blog posts.
You would also find me out and about around the world always dressed to the T of course you will see photo shoots of me in my 2010 collections as well as other models at shows at shoots wearing my collection i designed and made keep a look out for videos coming this weekend ;) rahhhh
massive massive massive attack. love u y'all.
if you would like to team up with me creatively or if you have any questions about what i do, then please feel free to leave a comment and i will reply to your questions. I am also happy to offer any advice about about company products and services we deiliver. Check our website for full detials.
Follow me on twitter: http://twitter.com/caramelrock
find me on facebook: caramelrock55@aol.com
here i am at the odt entertainment event exhibiting a caramel rock collection if you keep scrolling down you will see more events i have exhibited in as well as events i have run as a caramel rock show you will also find me out about around the world always dressed to the T as well as letting you all know what caramel rock is and what its all about. i always tend to change my hair any image of a tall lanky girl with red or golden red hair is me mind you there is one pic where i shaved my hair of then it grew back haly berry style lets see if you notice it. i am the director and founder of caramel rock and this is me and some of the stuff i get up to. you can also cheak out the website www.caramelrock.com